Learning Units

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Ecosystem Restoration: EU Policy and Principles to Heal and Project Landscapes with Nature

Ecosystems have been disturbed by human interventions, such as logging, damming rivers, intense grazing or by natural disasters like hurricanes, fires and floods. This learning unit introduces the concept of Restorative Ecology using NBS as a way to protect and heal urban, rural and coastal landscapes. Learners will be introduced to principles to guide ecosystem restoration as part of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (to 2030) and to the EU Nature Restoration Law enacted in 2024. Learners debate the benefits of the practice to protect, restore and heal ecosystems and consider the implications in their own personal or professional contexts and to their local community.

Find here the editable version and the teaching note.

Educational Level: Higher Education

Language:  English

Organisation: TCD

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Ecosystem Restoration: EU Policy and Principles to Heal and Project Landscapes with Nature


Ecosystem Services and Nature's Benefits

An introduction highlighting the benefits of Nature-Based Solutions. The focus of this Learning Unit is the broader ecosystem, focused on envionrmental, economic and societal benefits. Learners can explore NBS from a macro perspective, and reflect on its benefits from their own experiences and the lens of their academic discipline of study.

Find here the editable version and the teaching note.

Educational Level: Higher Education

Language:  English

Organisation: TCD

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Ecosystem Services and Nature's Benefits


Enhancing Health and Well-being with NBS

This learning unit explores how natural ecosystems, applying NBS, can enhance human health and well-being. Learners examine the environmental, social, and psychological benefits of green spaces, biodiversity, and ecosystem services that employ NBS in urban, rural and coastal settings. With examples, learners assess the health and well-being impact and consider strategies to  integrate NBS into policy, urban planning, and healthcare initiatives for sustainable development.

Find here the editable version and the teaching note.

Educational Level: Higher Education

Language:  English

Organisation: TCD

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Enhancing Health and Well-being with NBS

Field trip/site visit

Exploring Biodiversity and Conversation Strategies of NBS using GreenComp

This learning unit offers  hands-on examples of nature-based solutions in practice through a site visit or field study. The PowerPoint offers prompts and questions to maximise the learning and reflection on NBS strategies related to biodiversity and conservation. The LU starts with NBS definitions, the link to GreenComp: The European Sustainability Competence Framework  and how elements of the field study/site visit may enhance some of these skills and competences. The field study/site visit provides a structure to enable a teacher to offer learners some context on choosing a good NBS site, and how NBS can contribution to biodiversity and conservation through reflective questions drawing on elements of GreenComp.

Find here the editable version and the teaching note.

Educational Level: Higher Education

Language:  English

Organisation: TCD

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Exploring Biodiversity and Conversation Strategies of NBS using GreenComp


Financing for nature-based enterprises Part I

Securing financing to set-up and grow a business is one of the most common challenges faced by all companies. In this lesson, we review key factors influencing the choice and availablity of finance and we consider how financing for nature-based enterprises may be different from that of other businesses. Participants will reflect and analyse which type of financing is most appropriate to apply to their business taking into account factors such as legal structure, sector and stage of business development.

Find here the editable version and the teaching note.

Educational Level: Professional

Language:  English

Organisation: Horizon Nua

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Financing for nature-based enterprises Part I

European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.