Who are we?
NBS EduWORLD is a unique consortium bringing together researchers, educators, NBS practitioners, and even sports community members with the common goal of creating engaging and locally relevant educational materials centering the environmental, social, and professional merits of NBS.

European Schoolnet (EUN)
European Schoolnet is the network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a non-profit international organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to our key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners.
We are driven by our mission to support education stakeholders in Europe in the transformation of education processes for 21st century digitalized societies. We do this by identifying and testing promising innovative practices, sharing evidence about their impact, and supporting the mainstreaming of teaching and learning practices aligned with 21st century standards for inclusive education.
Since its founding in 1997, European Schoolnet has used its links with education ministries to help schools become effective in the pedagogical use of technology, equipping both teachers and pupils with the necessary skills to achieve in the digital society.

Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI)
Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI) is one of the leading policy research centres in Europe. It provides knowledge and evidence to a number of EU institutions and agencies, such as European parliament, European Commission's DG EAC, DG AGRI, DG COMM, DG RTD, JRC, Cedefop, ETF, Eurofound, as well as international organisations, such as UN agencies and World Bank. Since its foundation, the Institute’s research and policy advice has contributed to improving national and European public policies in various fields, such as: education and training, social inclusion, research and innovation, environment and sustainability, migration and labour mobility, and public administration. Although PPMI works in several thematic fields, education and training is an area where PPMI is especially active with numerous assignments delivered every year on different types, levels of education and diverse thematic issues. Education for environmental sustainability is currently one of the central themes of PPMI work.

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 100+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability.
ICLEI Europe provides its members in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and West Asia with a voice on the European and international stage, a platform to connect with peers and tools to drive positive environmental, economic and social change. ICLEI Europe works closely with an extended network of local and regional governments and partners on a broad range of topics.

Centre for Experiments in Urban Studies (CEUS)
CEUS is a professional association of architects and urban planners devoted to multidisciplinary research, innovation and development. We aim at enhancing inter-institutional and trans-disciplinary cooperation and stimulating synergies in an urban environment. Individually, we have built a sound knowledge base and substantial know-how in the planning and management of EU funded projects. We have had strong international exposure which resulted in a wide professional network across countries and continents and profound working experience in Serbian and European contexts.
See Centre for Experiments in Urban Studies (CEUS)'s Website

The Big Van Theory (TBVT)
The Big Van Theory (TBVT) is one of the most recognized groups in the field of science communication and outreach in Spanish language through the performing arts and social media. TBVT is a group of active scientists and researchers with the clear objective of transforming scientific culture into an attractive product for different types of public.
Since 2013 we have "story-told" the most advanced science in an affordable and entertaining way, using humour as a tool for connecting with the audience, getting on the stage, doing radio and television, writing books and doing training workshops in Spain, Europe and in Latin America. All TBVT members and their science communication events encompass and emphasize the objective of reaching out to young people and promoting science education and science careers.
We are convinced that science, built from cooperation and equality, must be the main tool for the progress of humanity. That is why we are advocates of the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which include gender equality, the promotion of a critical spirit and the inclusion of all parts of society in the scientific process, as no one should stay out of the benefits offered by new scientific advances. In this line we work to promote scientific culture and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) vocations, with a special focus on female scientific vocations and in areas with greater risk of social exclusion.

Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA)
EA is a school in the greater area of Athens, Greece. Its Research and Development Department focuses on the design, implementation and support of pedagogical and technological innovation in educational practice, through work within the school and through national, European and international collaborations with numerous educational and research institutions. EA has a very strong vision-generated interest and rich research and development activity in the fields of Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE), Project-Based Learning (PBL), and STEM education in combination with digital, online based learning environments and tools. Under this approach, EA has taken up the challenge to embed the principles of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) addressing the needs of learners, staff and the wider community, not only within the curriculum, but across the whole-school and learning environment.

European Football for Development Network (EFDN)
The European Football for Development Network (EFDN) consists of more than 160 professional football clubs, leagues and FAs who are committed to their communities and social responsibilities and have the passion to cooperate and engage on a European level. The network aims to promote the power of football as a tool for social development and support the efforts of the network members in their initiatives to use football to reach out to various target groups in their communities. This creates a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing in order to develop a diversity of training methods that will directly benefit communities throughout Europe.
See European Football for Development Network (EFDN)'s Website

Ministy of Youth and Sports (MoYS)
The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkey is a governmental agency within the Cabinet of Turkey in charge of regulating activities related to sports and youth development in Republic of Turkey.

Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
At Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin we provide a liberal environment where independence of thought is highly valued and all are encouraged to achieve their potential. We promote a diverse, interdisciplinary, inclusive environment which nurtures ground-breaking research, innovation, and creativity through engaging with issues of global significance. Trinity is Ireland’s highest ranked university. It is home to 20,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students across all the major disciplines in the arts and humanities, and in business, law, engineering, science, and health sciences.
For NBS EduWORLD, Trinity Business School leads in developing NBS education approaches for third level students. This work goes hand in hand with our school's mission to Transform Business for Good. This means business which is: 1) Ethical and so ‘good’ from a moral perspective; 2) Impactful and so ‘good’ in terms of high-performance; and 3) Sustainable thereby invoking a permanent ‘for good’ interpretation.

Association Verde e Moldova (VEM)
The Public Association "Verde e Moldova" was founded in 2012 as a result of the need to involve civil society in the problems faced by the state of the Republic of Moldova and with the aim of solving socio-economic problems by achieving a balance in society.

Almada Municipality (CMA)
Almada Municipality is located within Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area, comprising a 70 km2 territory sprawled between the Tagus River and the Atlantic Ocean. The City Council is the administrative body that manages and develops the county in a variety of areas, including health, education, social action and housing, environment and basic sanitation, land use planning and urbanism, transport and communications, public supply, sport and culture, consumer protection and civil protection. The Department of Environmental Intervention, Climate and Sustainability, which is the NBS EduWORLD project partner, focus on executing environmental and climatic policies of the municipality, studying and monitoring environmental indicators such as ecological elements, air quality and noise; as well as implementing agricultural strategies, climate adaptation measures and energy efficiency policies, among others.

Horizon Nua (HNUA)
Horizon Nua is a non-profit foundation inspiring and enabling people, policymakers, and practitioners to make the transition towards a nature-positive economy. A spin-off from the Connecting Nature H2020 project, Horizon Nua advocates for nature-based enterprises, supporting their growth and development while working with decision-makers at all levels to embed support for this fast-growing sector into sustainable economic and environmental policies.
Horizon Nua manages the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform, the world’s largest community of nature-based enterprises working with and for nature. Led by industry practitioners, this platform aims to raise awareness of good practices and emerging technologies. Our communities cover a diverse range of NBS from water management to Smart Tech for NBS. Each community hosts regular webinars, events and continuous professional development (CPD) courses in collaboration with professional industry bodies. We work with the public and private sectors to drive the growth of the nature-positive economy – supporting businesses, governments and others to drive transformation towards improving the state of nature and regenerating ecosystem services. Using tools co-created and tested with multiple end-users, Horizon Nua provides a range of practical, jargon-free training and capacity building solutions on the financing, business models and governance of nature-based solutions.

Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (MNHN)
The Muséum is a true centre of scientific excellence, studying the Earth and Life from the most distant past to the current day, and raising questions about our future. Thus, we share our knowledge while working to ensure the preservation of our biodiversity and heritage, both natural and cultural. Around 2,500 collaborators, researchers, care-takers, librarians, taxidermists, curators, engineers, veterinarians, museologists, etc., are working relentlessly within our walls and in the field.

Municipality of Genoa (CDG)
The Genoa Municipality is the local public authority for a city of 558.930 inhabitants. The City of Genoa covers an area of 243 square km (73 urbanized). The main economic drivers are Port, Blue Economy, Green Economy, Tourism, High Tech.
It is a connected city that combines future, technology and history through projects that enhance the cultural and artistic heritage of its Old City Centre. It is a polycentric city model which pursues a new idea of culture, science and research aimed to pursue the goal of a resilient city.
The Genoa Municipality aims to innovate the use of the territory, modernize the infrastructure, regenerate the urban environment and improve the governance of the city system. Liveability, inclusiveness, development, attractiveness, sustainability and well-being, also in terms of social justice, are the key words. Furthermore, the Municipality of Genoa has identified the Green and Blue Economy as one of its main drivers of socio-economic development with a view to sustainability and integration. Genoa is also trying to become resilient through the actions of the Lighthouse City Urban Agenda Genoa 2050. Indeed, the Genoa City Council is focused on a participatory and inclusive stakeholder approach and has identified global change trends (climate, demographic, digital-technological transition).

Natural Solutions (NS)
Natural Solutions is a web agency specialized in biodiversity solutions since 2008. Our purpose is to put the best of technology for biodiversity.
- We help to preserve by building software solutions to maintain remaining biodiversity.
- We help to restore by building software solutions to enhance the recovery of degraded ecosystems, natural or urban.
- We help to reconnect, by building software solutions for citizen science, education and ecotourism.
Our solutions : consulting, software development and design : mobile application, web application, remote sensing, GPS tracking, camera traps, acoustic sensors, AI, GIS. We believe in open source solutions and open data. Our employees have double skills in computing and environment (biology, geomatics, botany, sensor engineering…). For our customers, this is the guarantee to discuss with interlocutors who understand their needs perfectly. Our head office is in Marseille (France) but we recently opened two agencies in Abu Dhabi (Emirates) and Montreal (Canada).

Offaly County Council (OCC)
Offaly County Council is the authority responsible for local Government in County Offaly, for a population of 82,000 people. Our mission statement is to lead sustainable economic, social and community development in Offaly as we deliver a wide and complex range of services with a strong focus on community, economy, culture and tourism in the county.
Local Government is the main vehicle of governance and public service at local level – leading economic, social and community development, delivering efficient and good value services, and representing citizens and communities as effectively and accountably as possible.
Offaly County Council’s values and principles encompass: People, Local Democracy, Integrity, Quality, Collaboration, Promoting our County, Sustainability and Innovation.
County Offaly is located strategically within the centre of Ireland and ensures good connectivity and quality of life making it a great place to live and work. Local Elections occur every 5 years and Elected Members work with our Management Team and staff to deliver sustainable development projects which benefit current and future generations. We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of innovative thinking, successfully delivering regeneration programmes as we strive to make a real difference through the work we do. We explore projects and opportunities for the development of existing and new tourism trails in our county and provide extensive infrastructure which illustrate a conscious move towards nature based solutions within all projects/developments recognising the value of our location, public realm assets and our people.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.