Related Projects
More and more projects in the EU and beyond address the topic of nature-based solutions and education to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis. If you are interested in the activities and results of NBS EduWORLD, you might be interested in the following related projects:

NBS Academy
The vision of NBS Academy is to set up an international Community of Practice on NBS education for both teachers and teacher training providers and through participatory approaches to activate the collective creativity of its members towards creating, testing and validating innovative, highly accessible and transferable ITE and CPD programmes on NBS education.

Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Education
Building on scientific evidence and on experiences from NBS demonstration projects in cities, the Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Education project exploit recent research results to develop innovative educational programmes and resources to raise awareness on nature-based solutions (NBS) and their benefits among children, young people and their families. The project is initiated and funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and coordinated by PPMI, in collaboration with European Schoolnet (EUN).
See Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Education's Website

COOLSCHOOLS is a transdisciplinary applied-research project aiming to analyze the multiple co-benefits of implementing nature-based solutions (NbS) for climate adaptation, or what we call nature-based climate shelters in school environments. They explore how these interventions can act as drivers of transformation at larger urban scales through an approach that puts at the center the needs and views of children and youth. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Life Terra
Life Terra is one of Europe’s largest climate action initiatives, supported by the Life Programme. It brings together 16 experienced organisations from 8 countries and is led by the newly established Life Terra foundation. Life Terra is a foundation with a mission to enable people to take impactful climate action now. It facilitates tree planting, educate future generations, and develop tree monitoring technology. The foundation seeks to bring people together to plant 500 million trees in Europe, harnessing and monitoring nature’s own carbon capture mechanism and enabling citizens to take urgent action against the climate crisis.

Connecting Nature
Coordinated by Trinity College Dublin, Connecting Nature is a consortium of 30 partners within 16 European countries, and hubs in Brazil, China, Korea and the Caucasus (Georgia and Armenia). They co-work with local authorities, communities, industry partners, NGOs and academics who are investing in large scale implementation of nature–based projects in urban settings. They measure the impact of these initiatives on climate change adaptation, health and well-being, social cohesion and sustainable economic development in these cities. The consortium also develops a diversity of innovative actions to nurture the start-up and growth of commercial and social enterprises active in producing nature-based solutions and products.

Clearing House
The CLEARING HOUSE project gathers 26 partners in Europe and China, and will provide evidence and tools that facilitate the mobilisation of the full potential of urban forest-based solutions (UF-NBS) for rehabilitating, reconnecting and restoring urban ecosystems. The main focus is on tree-based green infrastructure which is the basis for “urban forests as nature-based solutions”. The project partners will develop an online application, a global benchmark tool, and guidelines that can aid in the design, governance and management of urban forests.
Based on the understanding of drivers and pressures that challenge future urban sustainability, REGREEN will substantially improve the evidence and tools for supporting co-creation of nature-based solutions (NBS) in urban settings, implementation of decision support systems for planning and governance, and development of business models for realising spatially relevant NBS, that provide multiple ecosystem services and wellbeing. REGREEN consortium consists of universities, research institutes, city authorities, consultancies and city networks from China and Europe. The project is funded through H2020 programme.

GreenScent – Smart Citizen Education for a Green Future – aims to educate and empower the people of Europe to change their behaviour towards the environment by fostering empathy for the planet. GreenSCENT believes that behavioural change is vital to achieve the objectives set out by the European Commission’s Green Deal of climate neutrality on the continent of Europe by 2050. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

STEM Alliance
European Schoolnet's STEM Alliance is a growing network of industry and education stakeholders who are working to encourage and inspire young people to pursue STEM careers. Linked to a network of 33 Ministries of Education, our outreach programmes have developed an unrivalled reach within education. In 2021, the Alliance and its 20 partners delivered over 2,000 activities in more than 9,000 schools – reaching over 22,000 teachers and 122,000 students across Europe.

How can nature-based solutions contribute to health? The EU-funded GoGreenRoutes project will answer this question. Its transdisciplinary consortium will pioneer a unique approach to nature-based solutions by creating green corridors and cultivating a positive human-nature relationship. The project’s goal is to position European citizens as world ambassadors of urban sustainability. Advancing mental health and well-being, the project's components will focus on nature-based enterprise, sustainable physical activity and digital, cultural and knowledge innovation. A knowledge ecosystem with urban communities will raise awareness about links between human and environmental health.

GoGreenNEXT will deliver a comprehensive evidence-based policy-oriented approach model to convey how ecosystem health and human health are connected. Future risks from climate change are currently predicted to escalate (beyond planetary boundaries) and pass critical tipping points with irreversible changes to our climate with commensurate negative impacts on health, our ecosystems and our landscapes. GoGreenNext will address the biodiversity-climate-planetary health nexus, delivering positive policy and city/region pilot outcomes in 4 biogeographic regions across Europe and with input from best practice globally.

The EU-funded eNaBlS project addresses the need to integrate sustainability into educationby mainstreaming biodiversity and nature-based solutions in higher education and TVET (technical and vocational education and training). It will establish seven living labs across Europe, promoting collaboration and transdisciplinary dialogue. This approach supports the goals of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the EU Climate Adaptation Strategy.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.