Resources for NBS Education

NBS EduDirectory - The resource landscape of NBS Education

This repository provides a comprehensive list of available resources, including guidance, reports, tools, and services developed around education about NBS. These NBS education resources and materials were discovered through EU-funded online repositories and through desk research. It is updated annually. You can also consult it as a database on PowerBI.

Have a look at further resources repositorites of the NBS and the education communities at the NBS EduHub.

Search results ( 1 - 5 of 36 )


“Greenize” your school and create a school garden in an urban environment

In this Learning Scenario (LS), students learn about plants, create crafts, and build biodomes. They will explore digital literacy through designing a 3D school garden and building a plant-watering robot. Together, they will cultivate environmental awareness and unleash their innate connection with nature.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: European Schoolnet


A Green School is a Healthy School

In this Learning Scenario, students will measure air quality parameters in their school and discuss how to improve air quality, as well as how to make school spaces greener. This Learning Scenario was developed as part of the Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Education project, funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and coordinated by PPMI, in collaboration with European Schoolnet (EUN).

Topic: Air Quality

Educational Level: Secondary Education

Language:  Dutch English French German Greek Italian Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Romanian Slovak Spanish Swedish

Organisation: European Schoolnet


Are We Prepared for Natural Disasters?

This Learning Scenario (LS) involves students aged 12-15 in understanding the importance of constructing flood- and earthquake-resistant buildings and bridges using nature-based solutions. They will adopt an engineering and scientific approach, studying a centenary bridge's resilience and discussing the effects of climate change on natural events, with a focus on Disaster Risk Analytics.

Topic: Climate Resilience

Educational Level: Secondary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: European Schoolnet


Carbon Footprint Awareness in Our Daily Routines

This Learning Scenario (LS) raises students' awareness of their daily habits' impact on nature and Earth, focusing on global warming, carbon footprint, and nature-based solutions (NBS). Students calculate their carbon footprint, collaboratively create a prototype solution to reduce it, and learn the importance of sustainability and social responsibility through afforestation.

Topic: Health & Well-Being

Educational Level: All Levels

Language:  English

Organisation: European Schoolnet


Deconstructing Climate Denial Speech and understanding the role of Nature-Based Solutions

In this Learning Scenario, students will learn how to identify, expose and deconstruct disinformation around climate change. This Learning Scenario was developed as part of the Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Education project, funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and coordinated by PPMI, in collaboration with European Schoolnet (EUN).

Topic: Natural & Climate Hazards

Educational Level: Secondary Education

Language:  Dutch English French German Greek Italian Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Romanian Slovak Spanish Swedish

Organisation: European Schoolnet

European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.