Resources for NBS Education

NBS EduDirectory - The resource landscape of NBS Education

This repository provides a comprehensive list of available resources, including guidance, reports, tools, and services developed around education about NBS. These NBS education resources and materials were discovered through EU-funded online repositories and through desk research. It is updated annually. You can also consult it as a database on PowerBI.

Have a look at further resources repositorites of the NBS and the education communities at the NBS EduHub.

Search results ( 1 - 5 of 10 )


Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions

A user-friendly framework for the verification, design and scaling up of NbS

Topic: Understanding of NBS

Educational Level: All Levels

Language:  English

Organisation: IUCN


Guidelines on Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions Activities in Education for Advanced Educators

The NBS Connections Stream Guidelines aim to empower confident educators to expand the topic of nature-based solutions (NBS) in learning settings.
Drawing from insights and examples from the first two years of NBS EduWORLD, they promote integration across formal and non-formal education, fostering NBS literacy for sustainable learning.

Topic: Understanding of NBS

Educational Level: All Levels

Language:  English

Organisation: European Schoolnet for NBS EduWORLD


Nature Based Solutions in education

Provide an overview of 15 learning scenarios to develop innovative educational programmes and resources that raise awareness on NBS and their benefits among children, young people and their families.

Topic: Understanding of NBS

Educational Level: All Levels

Language:  English

Organisation: EUN/PPMI


Nature-based Solution Made Easy

It is a Flyer that provides an initial overview of what NBS are, what they are for and what they can look like. It raises awareness of the topic in an easily understandable way.

Topic: Understanding of NBS

Educational Level: All Levels

Language:  English

Organisation: NetworkNature


NBS EduWORLD Assessment framework and guidance for the project

This report provides an overview and analysis of assessment tools for NBS education in the European region. Based on mapping, desk research and interviews, it finds that most of the reviewed student assessment tools constitute authentic assessment. Online NBS courses are more likely to adopt conventional assessment methods, such as formative and/or summative tests, due to the nature of the online learning environment. There is an unequal distribution across education levels, with continuous professional development for teachers and vocational education and training providing very few examples of assessment tools. In institutional assessment, there is a clear lack of incorporation of NBS education, although many NBS evaluation frameworks exist. The report also presents the guiding framework for NBS EduWORLD, built upon a project intervention logic, lessons learnt from previous project tasks and consultations with the Consortium and Advisory Board members. They are structured according to crucial project stages: Strategic vision and leadership; Understanding NBS education; Implementing NBS education, and Building the NBS EduCommunity.

Topic: Understanding of NBS

Educational Level: All Levels

Language:  English

Organisation: NBS EduWORLD

European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.