Resources for NBS Education

NBS EduDirectory - The resource landscape of NBS Education

This repository provides a comprehensive list of available resources, including guidance, reports, tools, and services developed around education about NBS. These NBS education resources and materials were discovered through EU-funded online repositories and through desk research. It is updated annually. You can also consult it as a database on PowerBI.

Have a look at further resources repositorites of the NBS and the education communities at the NBS EduHub.

Search results ( 21 - 25 of 33 )


NBS Learning Scenarios

Educational tool for teachers testing 15 learning scenarios to integrate nature-based solutions (NBS) resources in formal education.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: All Levels

Language:  English

Organisation: SCIENTIX - PPMI/EUN


Our smart garden for climate change

In this Learning Scenario (LS), students learn about the causes and effects of climate change while exploring nature-based solutions (NBS) to mitigate its impacts. They also engage in activities to raise awareness about climate change and are encouraged to communicate their knowledge and ideas through various mediums like brochures, posters, and videos. The students apply their gained knowledge by creating a smart garden in their schoolyard, aiming to reduce the school's ecological footprint.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: European Schoolnet


Panorama Solutions

Document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and sustainable development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration. It allows practitioners to share and reflect on their experiences, increase recognition for successful work, and to learn with their peers how similar challenges have been addressed around the globe.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Adult Learning

Language:  English

Organisation: IUCN


Planting a Tree – Caring for the Future

In this Learning Scenario students will learn about the importance of green spaces to make cities more sustainable and healthier. This Learning Scenario was one of the winners of the first Teachers’ Competition “Nature-Based Solutions in Education”.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: European Schoolnet


Preserving biodiversity in Conservatoire des Restanques

It is dedicated to preserving biodiversity and to be a showcase of the current considerations of Sustainable Development

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: Colinéo

European Union

NBS EduWORLD is funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101060525). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.