
Scenarios of Plausible Futures for NBS in Education

7 September 2023

Scenarios of Plausible Futures for NBS in Education

In August 2023, NBS EduWORLD released a publication that lays out a roadmap for the future of education, where schools become innovation hubs for sustainability.

This deliverable analyses the different pathways for the transformation of the schools into Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) Living Labs (LLs) through the Whole School Approach (WSA). It provides a set of Scenarios of Plausible Futures for NBS in Education that can inspire the implementation of the project NBS EduWORLD within local communities. The scenarios highlight key drivers, uncertainties, constraints, and opportunities for supporting NBS in education.

The objective is to enhance our collective understanding of NBS in education and its future, supporting the vision of schools as NBS Living Labs and underlining the actions needed towards that vision, such as:

  • introducing innovative topics and methodological schemes for greening the curricula
  • transforming schools into sustainable learning environments

This publication showcases how schools can be transformed into innovation hubs for promoting sustainability citizenship, and most importantly, developing competences and cultivating the cultural shift needed towards a more sustainable future. Schools become innovation hubs, involving local communities in the teaching & learning process, and functioning as an incubator for exploring ideas and inventions.

The benefits of accelerating innovation are many and for all. Everyone can develop key skills thanks to an open approach and to life-long learning. Everyone benefits from the increase in their communities’ science capital and the development of responsible citizenship. In addition, education becomes an integral part of the local community development, since open schooling activities for NBS can stimulate real scientific work, are inspired by local needs and problems, and address NBS challenges, contributing substantially to the EU Green Deal.

Read more here.

Image (CDC on Unplash)

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