
NBS EduWORLD is online!

28 February 2023

NBS EduWORLD is online!

We are officially launching the website of NBS EduWORLD!

NBS EduWORLD is a Horizon Europe project bringing together the topics of nature-based solutions and education. The result is a unique consortium gathering researchers, educators, NBS practitioners, and even sports community members with the common goal of creating engaging and locally relevant educational materials centering the environmental, social, and professional merits of NBS.

The need for environmental professionals is growing as the world faces the social, economic, and environmental consequences of climate change and strives to achieve a climate neutral economy. Nature-based solutions (NBS), inspired and supported by nature, support a just transition to a sustainable future. They bring more natural features into cities, landscapes and seascapes, and benefit biodiversity.

NBS EduWORLD provides educators with the resources to empower and inspire the decision makers and NBS professionals of tomorrow. 

This website will be a portal gathering the access to major NBS platform, other initiatives in the field of NBS education. It will also be a continuously growing repository for NBS educational materials.

Image (Ellen Melin on Unsplash)

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