Resources for NBS Education

NBS EduDirectory - The resource landscape of NBS Education

This repository provides a comprehensive list of available resources, including guidance, reports, tools, and services developed around education about NBS. These NBS education resources and materials were discovered through EU-funded online repositories and through desk research. It is updated annually. You can also consult it as a database on PowerBI.

Have a look at further resources repositorites of the NBS and the education communities at the NBS EduHub.

Search results ( 16 - 20 of 249 )


Ask the expert! - NBS Chat with Róisín Byrne, Nature-Based Landscape Architect

The NBS chats provide students with a more informed image of what Nature-Based Solutions are, as well as jobs and careers in this area. In this video recording, students chat with Róisín Byrne, nature-based landscape architect.

Topic: Green Space Management

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: European Schoolnet


Beekeeping Station Bielefeld

It is a place for breeding of bees to support their pollination activities and thus their role in food production while the apiary also offers visitors the chance to get an insight into the life and work of a beehive.

Topic: Green Space Management

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: NGO "Friends of the Bielefeld Botanical Garden"


Belvedere College Urban Farm

Teach students about the importance of sustainable development and empower them to make educated choices about their own impact on the environment.

Topic: Land Regeneration

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: Belvedere College


Biotope Schladitz

Creation an interactive educational service young visitors who want to learn more about sustainable development and nature conservation

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English


Bird-Friendly garden

Nature4Cities pilot sites aiming to reconstruct a elementary school yard, to become a diverse habitat especially for birds. It also aims at enhancing mitigation of traffic noise and air pollution from the closely passing highway.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: Nature4Cities pilot

European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.