Resources for NBS Education

NBS EduDirectory - The resource landscape of NBS Education

This repository provides a comprehensive list of available resources, including guidance, reports, tools, and services developed around education about NBS. These NBS education resources and materials were discovered through EU-funded online repositories and through desk research. It is updated annually. You can also consult it as a database on PowerBI.

Have a look at further resources repositorites of the NBS and the education communities at the NBS EduHub.

Search results ( 11 - 15 of 16 )


Planting a Tree – Caring for the Future

In this Learning Scenario students will learn about the importance of green spaces to make cities more sustainable and healthier. This Learning Scenario was one of the winners of the first Teachers’ Competition “Nature-Based Solutions in Education”.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: European Schoolnet


Preserving biodiversity in Conservatoire des Restanques

It is dedicated to preserving biodiversity and to be a showcase of the current considerations of Sustainable Development

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: Colinéo


Saida School - Ecological and Participatory Approach in a School Refurbishment

Refurbished building including vegatable gardens avaliable for children since its construction

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: City of Paris


Starling on the Doorstep

The project aimed to popularise easy steps for increasing biodiversity in urban green spaces and effective practices for preserving it.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: Faculty of Biology in University St. Kliment Ohridski


The Living Environment Trust

A sensory garden to enable people with disabilities to experience nature.

Topic: Biodiversity

Educational Level: Primary Education

Language:  English

Organisation: Living Environment Trust

European Union

NBS EduWORLD is funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101060525). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.